companies spend
- 公司支出

Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers
Companies spend millions hiring top business people .
Companies spend billions on advertising every year .
companies spend most of their training budgets on their most qualified employees ,
Most companies spend large amounts of money in training new hires which they see as an investment for the future .
But it is current shareholders , not regulators , who should decide how private companies spend their earnings .
Although companies spend to lobby on narrow issues , they are not generally involved in big policy debates .
The amount of money that companies spend on gamifying their products and services is projected to increase .
Why do global companies spend so much money importing outside talent when there are so many smart and ambitious young people in China already ?
Tobacco companies spend tens of millions of dollars every year turning new users into addicts and keeping current users from quitting .
Together , these companies spend some ? 00 million with many of their supply sources overlapping with those used by LHT itself .
Companies spend a whole lot of money on communications , imagery , and other data collected and relayed by orbiting satellites .
Companies spend a lot of time making sure that they have a perfect match between the products to be represented and the activity that needs sponsorship .
The mobile phone companies spend too much time moaning about politicians ' behaviour and too little setting out a bold vision of their own .
As a result , companies spend huge amounts of money on complex advertising campaigns & all aimed at appealing to the world of the imagination .
Most growing companies spend a lot of time thinking about scaling up & but their leaders get caught off guard by situations where scaling back makes sense .
Biotechnology companies spend years figuring out the right combination of mutant host organism and reactor conditions to fashion a protein therapy that is safe and effective .
Once-passive shareholders are exploring new ways to unlock corporate accountability , including disclosure of how much companies spend on political spending and lobbying .
In practice , many companies spend heavily to introduce high-tech information systems , and still can not really solve the issue of employees " unwilling to share knowledge " .
Pharma companies spend hundreds of millions building up a brand name drug during its patent life , then leave it to die when the patent expires .
US companies spend $ 150 billion annually on advertising and only $ 5 billion on public relations , according to emarketer and PrsA respectively .
By now more than 36 % of the spin-off companies spend 10-20 % of annual turnover on the research and development . Some companies do the R & D by themselves ;
Instead of concentrating on improving product safety and workers ' lives , companies spend their energy creating beautiful pamphlets on social responsibility , disputing critical reports and shifting blame , it said .
For all the cash companies spend on training and the lifetimes academics devote to forging new theories , often the leadership industry peddles to leaders the advice and values most of us absorbed in nursery school .
To gauge business spending , economists further winnow the durable-goods data to one awkwardly named indicator called ' nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft . ' This roughly measures what companies spend on factory equipment and the like .
That means companies must spend more just to keep production from falling .
Perhaps drug companies should spend less on product promotion and more on research and development .
Why do companies that spend so much time and money promising to be good do bad things ?
Navigation service companies often spend much human , financial and material resourses on the production of geo-spatial data .
The government also has increased to $ 1 billion the amount that state-owned companies can spend on acquisitions without government approval .